Japanese Classes at NARAU SCHOOL

Japanese, a rich language, deeply tied to ancient oriental wisdom, opens doors to one of the most vibrant and technologically advanced societies in the world. Our Japanese classes are designed to immerse you in the language in fun and interactive ways.


Learning Japanese at NARAU SCHOOL will unlock international job opportunities and the capacity to fully enjoy Japanese culture through anime, manga, music, and traditions.


Join us on this journey of learning and experience the unique advantages that the knowledge of Japanese can give you in this globalized world.

Which Japanese exams and tests do we help you prepare for?


The Nōken (JLPT) is the official Japanese language level test. This is a test used to assess and certify Japanese proficiency for non-native speakers.


This exam allows you to accredit your level of knowledge of Japanese at 5 different levels. Level 1 corresponds to the highest level and level 5 to the simplest.


At level 1 and 2 (N1 and N2), the exam has two parts: knowledge of the language (vocabulary and grammar) and listening. For levels 3 to 5 (N3, N4 and N5), the test consists of three blocks: vocabulary, grammar and listening.


The different levels show a minimum proficiency in the use of Japanese:


• N5: ability to understand basic Japanese, to a certain extent.
N4: ability to understand basic Japanese.
N3: ability to understand Japanese used in everyday settings, to a certain extent.
N2: ability to understand Japanese used in everyday life and in different situations, up to a certain level.
N1: ability to understand Japanese used in a wide range of situations.

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