French Classes at NARAU SCHOOL

Submerge yourself in French culture while you dive into the language of Moliere. Our French classes are designed to offer you a stimulating and gratifying learning experience.


At NARAU SCHOOL we work towards your mastery of the French language, which will allow you to communicate effectively in any circumstance.


Additionally, getting to know the rich culture of our neighbours will give you a unique perspective on art, literature, and gastronomy. Join us and discover the beauty of French as you open yourself up to a world of academic and professional possibilities.

Which French exams and tests do we help you prepare for?


The DELF (Diplôme d’études en langue française) and the DALF (Diplôme approfondi de langue française) are the official international French language certificates issued by the French Ministry of National Education and managed worldwide by France Education International located in Sèvres, near Paris.


The DELF and the DALF consist of 6 independent diplomas, standardized with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR). All the tests are developed following the approach to action defined by the CEFR and assess mastery of the four language skills.


These diplomas are internationally recognized and make it possible to assess language skills in French, both academically and professionally, of people who do not have French nationality and who want official recognition of their level of French. The DELF and DALF certifications are offered in more than 1000 official examination centres in 173 countries around the world.


These exams enhance your qualifications since they are increasingly recognized and accepted by administrations, companies, and educational institutions.


The DELF-DALF diplomas are recognized by the CRUE, Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities.


A certificate at the B1 level allows the validation of a university degree in most of the Autonomous Communities. Level B2 is a minimum requirement to obtain an Erasmus grant.


The DELF B2 or the DALF provide direct access to French universities and an increasing number of other European and French-speaking universities. Holders of the DELF B2 are exempt from the linguistic entrance tests for French universities, according to the framework of the demande d’admission préalable (DAP) (pre-admission application in a French Higher Education establishment).


DELF certificates do not expire.


They are independent diplomas: a candidate can apply directly to the diploma that corresponds to their French level. All versions of the DELF (for all audiences, junior, school, primary, professional) have the same validity and the same advantages.


To pass, a score of 50% is required. A higher score in one of the skills may offset a lower score in another skill, however you cannot pass with a score lower than 5/25 in any one of the skills.

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