Baxoalde 2 Orio. Gipuzkoa | | 943 83 11 16 / 648 97 64 70
• Student’s name and surname:
• Student's date of birth:
• Language:
Tutoring: (specify subject and level)
• Preferred hours (specify days of the week and time slots):
• For primary school students (HH-LH): would you be interested in a class over the lunch hour (1:20-2:20 pm)?
* NARAU will try to accommodate your preferences, but we do not guarantee that it will be possible in all cases.
• Type of class:
* The "individual" option will depend on availability.
• Academic level in the 2023-2024 academic year:
[checkbox nivel-academico "HH3" "HH4" "HH5" "LH1" "LH2" "LH3" "LH4" "LH5" "LH6" "DBH1" "DBH2" "DBH3" "DBH4" "BACHI1" "BACHI2" "Medium/Higher Grade" "University "Adults" "Other"]
If Other, please specify:
Notice! *Our students in HH3 to LH1 receive 1 hour/class per week (there is the possibility of forming “accelerated” groups with 2 hours of class per week); in LH2 to LH6 they receive 2 hours of class per week distributed over 2 days; from DBH1 on they receive 3 hours of class per week distributed over 2 days with 2 sessions of 1.5 hours each. Hours for classes for individuals, tutoring, adults, and languages other than English will be agreed with the centre. *This pre-registration form does not guarantee the fulfilment of your preferences. The official registration will take place between August 28 and September 8, 2023. *Classes will be assigned in order of pre-registration and the students and/or families of NARAU from previous courses will be prioritized. Once the pre-registration is complete, we will send you a document with the conditions of the centre and the information related to the course. Likewise, starting in the last week of June we will contact you to propose possible schedules and/or groups. *Keep in mind that level exams could be administered in certain cases and/or ages.
Name and surname:
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